Herbs and Flower Essences in Comfort Care

Plants and plant extracts have been used for thousands of years in healing rituals to alleviate pain and provide comfort.

Nightingale Crossings offers the use of herbs and flowers to its clients, including elderly companions and individuals facing end-of-life.

The most common plants used for comfort care include:

Chamomile - used for calming, sleep, digestion, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic.

Citrus - used for cognition, digestion, nausea, appetite, and hydration.

Lavender - used for anxiety, calming, sleep, and antiseptic.

Lemon balm - used for calming, uplifting, and digestion.

Peppermint - used for cognition, digestion, nausea, respiratory, and analgesic.

Rosemary - used for cognition, memory, focus, digestion, and antiseptic.

Herbal remedies can be applied via:

  • Tea and Water

  • Aromatic: Sachets/Lotions/Bouquets

  • Foot and Hand Soaks

All herbal practices are in coordination with the medical team to ensure that there are no interactions between the herb and prescribed medicine.